Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Feelin' blue....feelin' down?"

Ever feel “blue”? Ever have some “down days”? Depression is a word we just don’t like to use, but let’s face it, we all have had some times in our lives where we can probably say, “I am depressed!” Interestingly enough, we have a choice to just “fall” and let depression take us down or to “stand” and make every effort to handle depression. And actually these simple, but very noteworthy tips will also keep us healthy in many areas of our lives: physical wellness, spiritual wellness, active memory wellness, and emotional wellness. Here are a few tips to help when handling depression:
Keep a routine. That’s right. Keeping your body on a schedule helps in more than just one way. A set bedtime and wake up time helps to keep your body clock acclimated to better functioning. If you get up late in the morning, you eat later causing blood sugar imbalance. If you take your medications later this causes a deviation from the medication staying in your system effectively. So sit down and jot down your schedule. Tweak it to make sure you are keeping a healthy routine for the wellness of maintaining wholeness.
Exercise. Get outside and breathe in some healthy air, and make sure you allow the sunlight to hit you. In fact, studies show that sunlight stirs the metabolism and increases the “happy endorphins”. It may be walking 15-30 minutes each day or twice a day. Just to get the blood pumping and the body moving. The endorphins help to lighten our mood! So you’re not one who would like getting outside? A treadmill will work, but you won’t get the effects of the sun. Take an aerobics class or walk with friends, which will give some support and extra connections with others.
Socialize. Find ways of meeting others. Get involved in something that will get you connecting with others. Team up with others for a cause, like the Relay For Life Team, which help provide cancer funds for families and research, or attend church functions/groups that will be of interest to you. Lots of times we forget that there are others like us, near our age, same gender, or who share interests, etc., which will bring friendships and conversation. Remember, positive people hang around positive people. (You know what that means about negative people don’t you?)
Take a class. Learn something new. Get your mind off yourself and study! Stretching the mind is an awesome way to stay alert and to keep your mind off of the circumstances that often cause the depression. Sign up for a class at the Senior Center, Community College, Local Church, Art Council, etc. If no time for a class, read a book, do word puzzles, play chess, learn a skill, etc.
Eat healthy. You have always heard, “you are what you eat”. So eat healthy. Studies have shown that what we eat affects the body’s ability to fight off infections as well as maintaining healthy levels of blood sugars, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. As mentioned above, attempt to keep regular eating times/schedules.
Think positive. Choose to think of the glass half full rather than half empty. Find the good in situations; the negative usually pops us up beside the head, so look for the positive. Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we respond.
Enjoy the simple things. Walk through leaves and hear the rustle. Lie down and make snow angels. Allow yourself to be a kid again! Smell the roses, pick the wildflowers and place them in vases on your desk or kitchen table. Have a picnic; watch the sunset over the river.

There are many ways that we can actively choose to battle depression. But the choice is ours. No one can do it for us. I feel we don’t fully understand how often we make choices. And those choices make a difference in how we perceive ourselves. We are in control!

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! Been blue? Yep, sometimes, but i think you are right on with these helpful ideas. Thanks!
